Saturday, November 1, 2008


It has finally been revealed - I REALLY AM A WITCH! I had no problem convincing little children after dark on Halloween night that I was. I had one child even tell me "I cackle like a witch when I laugh". I wore a necklace with lots of charms on it and let all the children pick a charm for me to cast a spell on them. They were all GOOD spells - like a key charm was "Bigedy, Bobbably, Boo- you have the key to my heart", then they would hug and kiss me. I cast spells on everyone I was with after trick or treating downtown, and got everything I had wished for in those birthday bags. I got a beautiful new watch from the love of my life, a scrapbook tote from Leslie and Nolan and a new witch for my witch collection from Diana and Les. That was the strange one - I love the Jim Shore collection and mentioned to my red hat friends the day before Halloween that I didn't even buy a new witch for my collection this year because they were all the same thing but I would love to have a Jim Shore witch if he even made one. Guess what- he does make one and I got it and Diana, I absolutely love it. She made me a beautiful chocolate birthday cake also.Thank you so much for all your hard work Diana. You made it a perfect day. What a wonderful day I had so I believe I really can cast spells sooooo WATCH OUT! You can see in the pics how I go up to the children and cast the spell on them, then they are ALL MINE. So now you see the REAL ME. (AN OLD GRANDMA WITCH)


The Davis Rodeo said...

Oh, you added the video! Great! I am so glad you have a fun birthday. I feel so lucky that we get to share your special day with you. I love you.

C.Thompson said...

Glad you had a great b-day!! Your costume was great!!