Thursday, April 24, 2008


For a month we will be experiencing new cultures, new languages, and oh boy, new food. Food like I have never eaten before. We have tried the beef and it is very chewey. People over here are not overweight because they chew on the same bite of meat all day long. Who knows, it could be horse. They do eat that over here and think it is good. I WILL NOT TRY THAT. The only meat we can eat is chicken and german sausage. It is good. The view I have from the balcony is breathtaking and I love the chalets all over town. We cant tell what we are buying at the store so it is a surprise when we go to eat. I bought what I thought was a zucchini (the sign looked like it spelled it and it looked like a zucchini BUT when I sliced it and fried it - nope - it was cucumber. Don't ever try to fry cucumbers. It is nasty. It is also very hard to read instructions on the box. I just guess. ummm sometimes it was'nt a good guess. We have ended up a couple of times going out to Micky D's (yep, they got those here and they are good). Won't tell how much they cost. People over here rent or buy little shacks and a tiny piece of land to grow gardens and flowers. I know now why they all do this. It is because the meat and veggies are so high and so bad, they just grow their own. They make it an all day family affair to go to these little places on the hillsides on weekends to take care of their gardens. The little shacks on their property hold their gardening tools and seed, etc. Every day is a new experience for us. We were on a trip and needed to stop at the restroom. We kept looking for rest areas and figured out the sign WC means "Water Closet" (restrooms). When we go to Germany the signs say "Pissoir" (that also means restroom). Now when you flush the toilets in Germany, you hit the wall behind the toilet. There is nothing there, you just hit the wall and it flushes. I am serious. I kept looking for the handle or something to flush the toilet and I saw a pic of a hand hitting the wall so I did and it flushed.


The Davis Rodeo said...

That is super funny! I can't imagine cucumber is very good fried either! What an interesting experience. With the toliet issue I suppose that people got so frustrated b/c they couldn't find the handle to flush they would just hit the wall. So...they must have figured well, we'll make the toliet flush each time you hit the wall. Hee hee. I'd hit the wall too out of frustration! Who knows?!

Mommyto3K's said...

When we were in Japan the kids lived off of Mickey D's. I was a little embarrassed at how many happy meal toys they ended up taking home. I could not bring my self to count the toys because then that would tell me that they lived off of Mickey D's at least 2 meals a day for 2 weeks. Yikes.....what would the pedi say???