Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It's puppy dog hands

Affection for the BIG RED DOG

Two important Hollywood Stars

Hollywood is alive in Clifton

Female Artist of the Year

I am posting pics and info for Diana today b/c she is b-u-s-y with the book fair at school. Papa and I went last night to the open house and what a show it was. Diana and all of her workers did a bang up job on decorating, setting up, and running the show. There were tons of people there for Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (Les helped cook) then the program and going into the book fair room to buy books. I helped judge the classroom doors contest which was a really tough job since all of them were so creative and student involvement was great. We walked the red carpet into the book fair room to purchase books. IT WAS PACKED (people AND books). A looooong line to pay out and room was very hot (a/c was out). Kids were running around everywhere and we could tell that everyone was having a great time. Teachers and workers were dressed like Hollywood; Clifford, the big red dog was even there to great everyone. Kids were down on the floor drawing their handprints on the "Walk of Fame" after they purchased books. As a grandparent, it was hard to keep up with just Diana's two kids. We got to go to Nolan's classroom and meet his teacher and also to see the work Nolan is doing in school. I can't wait to read some of his stories he writes in his notebook. He loves to pull my leg with some really big tales. If I act shocked, his tales get bigger and bolder. He has a big imagination. I just can't say enough on how proud I am of my two daughters- Mandy and Diana- as they are both involved in the school book fairs in two different cities. I would love to see Mandy's big debut too. It makes a mother proud to see her daughters following in her footsteps. Have you ever heard "She is her mother's daughter"? Wellllll, they really are. (Kind of scary) I just know how many sleepless nights they spend and the stress of getting it all together and setting it up, then be all smiles on the big production night. Believe me, it is all worth it, when it is all done, because the kids are the ones that benefit from it. Reading is so important and training children to read is what it is all about.

I challenge everyone to go to your local school book fair and check out what is going on there. It will totally impress you. This one was a huge success. Y'all get a big A+.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This is a common thing at my house when Leslie and Nolan come over. We get busy talking or cooking or scrapbooking and look up and realize we have not seen Leslie for awhile. We call her-no answer; we look outside -but nowhere to be found. She is always in Grandma's closet playing and digging through the shoes. She has a fetish over shoes- especially Grandma's- for some reason. I have even gotten up on Sunday morning to go to church and find one shoe but not the other. Leslie has toys and things to play with and do here at my house but her favorite thing is to play in my closet with my shoes. I must organize it someday if she is going to continue to play in there. She gets so involved with the shoes, she doesn't hear us calling her. We have got to remember to look there first for her. If I still wore the really high spike heels like I used to, she would kill herself trying to walk in them. I may surprise her someday and put them in there. You know me, I never get rid of anything and yes, I still have all those shoes from my days at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. I hope she always remembers playing with my shoes long after I am gone.